About the Journal

Editorial line: the Law Journal Constituição, Economia e Desenvolvimento: Revista Eletrônicada Academia Brasileira de Direito Constitucional publishes unpublished articles, reviews and essays within the ambit of law theory and dogmatism, especially with the transdisciplinary perspective, as well as other knowledge areas, about Constitution, Economics and Development.


Mission: The mission of Constituição, Economia e Desenvolvimento: Revista Eletrônica da Academia Brasileira de Direito Constitucional is to encourage the production of studies on constitutional law relations with the economical practice and thinking, from the democratic perspective and the stating of fundamental rights. Yet, it motivates academic discussions on economic, law, human and social development and a critical reading of the School of Law and Economics.


Evaluation of Articles: Articles, reviews and essays are firstly analyzed by the Chief Editor to verify if they are pertinent to the Law Journal editorial line. Then, they are sent for blind peer review – scientific works are sent to two PhD professors-researchers, with no author identification, to evaluate structure and content. If one professor suggests publication and the other rejects the paper, a third professor may be called on for a final decision, after the examination of the Chief Editor. After the professors' analysis, the chief editor will inform the authors of negative opinions or will require suggested changes. In this case, authors shall make the necessary adjustments and the Chief Editor will decide over the publication of the text. Each edition may contain at least two papers (20% of the total) written by invited authors, selected by the Chief Editor, written by international and nationally renowned authors with special thematical relevance to the Journal. After the selection of the article, in accordance to editorial policy of international excellence, papers will be published in an order of preference taking in account papers written in English, papers submitted by authors with doctorate degrees and pertinence with the theme of the given number of the journal.


Submission Fees: The publication does not charge any fees or prices for the submission or publication of sent papers. The editorial process and publication are totally free of costs.


Submission of Scientific Papers: Submissions of scientific papers must be made on the ABDConst website, within the OJS (Open Journal Systems) system, at the following webpage: http://www.abdconst.com.br/revistaabdconst.

Articles must be submitted using the MODEL available on the website.


Transfer of copyright and declaration of responsibility: Authors must submit along with their papers a term of copyright transfer, transferring without cost the patrimonial rights of his work to this journal. The authors must also sign a declaration of responsibility stating that the submitted paper is unpublished and was not approved for publishing in other journals and that there is no conflict of interests of the author over the research theme or procedures, and that all ethical precautions were taken in the course of the research.


Identification of the authors: Authors must identify themselves by their complete name inscribed under the title of the paper. Each name must take up one line and contain a reference with the institutional affiliation of the author. The institutional affiliation of the author must contain complete institutional description of the all authors (university, city, state and country) as well as contact information (address, telephone or e-mail). If the research was financed by any private or public institutions the disclosure must be made in the last line of the author’s affiliation.


Rules for submission to ethics committees: Authors are obliged to follow all ethical rules of their respective areas and those of scientific research. Papers will be excluded from the evaluation process if any violation of ethics in research is found. If the research is developed in Brazil must follow Resolution n. 466/2012 of the Conselho Nacional de Saúde. Research that involves personal data, secretive data, interviews, interaction with human beings, and any experiment or analysis that by law or regulation must have ethical approval, it must be previously submitted to ethical analysis by a committee. Research developed in Brazil must submit themselves to analysis by the Committees registered in the CEP/CONEP system. The authorization or opinion must be submitted with the paper.


Main Editorial Rules for Formatting: Works must be written in Portuguese, Spanish, English, French or Italian in a Microsoft Word document.

Main text font: Times New Roman, size 13

Font for footnotes and long quotations (more than 3 lines): Times New Roman, size 11

Main text line spacing: 1.5

Footnotes and long quotations line spacing: 1.0

 Preferably written in third person singular Foreign words style: italics

Text highlighted words style: bold

Number of pages: minimum of 10 and maximum of 30 pages, justified text with un-numbered pages; Chief Editor may publish articles with more than 30 pages.


Editorial Rules for Text Structure: Articles, reviews and essays should have the following parts:

Heading: title, subtitle, name of the author(s) – maximum of three authors

Title: It should be clear and objective, and it may be complemented by a subtitle separated by colon, in upper and lower case, in bold and center aligned

Name of the author(s): indicated after the title, left aligned

Credits: qualifications and authors' emails below the names

Abstract: synopsis of the article contents from 100 to 250 words, including tables and graphics, in active voice and third person singular, before the text (ABNT – NBR 6028); it should express the subject in the first sentence of the abstract, determining time and space; preferably written in third person singular; it should highlight objectives, methods, results and conclusions of the work

Abstract in other language: for Portuguese and Spanish texts, there will be an abstract in English. For works in English and Spanish, the Chief Editor will provide the abstract translation to Portuguese – if authors do not send it

Key-words: up to 5 (five) significant words that express the content of the article, written in bold, left aligned, separated by semicolon or dot

Key-words in other language: for Portuguese and Spanish texts, there will be key-words in English. For works in English and Spanish, the Chief Editor will provide the key-words translation to Portuguese – if authors do not send it

Summary: information about the article sections, progressively numbered in Arabic numerals


Article text: it should present an introduction, main text and conclusion

– after the abstract, abstract in other language (Portuguese and Spanish), key- words and key-words in other languages (Portuguese and Spanish)

Quotations, footnotes and bibliographic references: ABNT – NBR 10520. Complete bibliographic references should be presented at the end of the text

Appendix: material to complement the text, included at the end if necessary

Tables or graphics: refer to “normas de apresentação tabular” (tabular presentation rules), published by IBGE.

The Editor may change the formal structure of the text to harmonize it to the editorial rules of the Journal.

Open Access Statement: Constituição Economia e Desenvolvimento: Revista Eletrônica da Academia Brasileira de Direito Constitucional” is an open access academic journal that specializes in constitutional Law, economy and political sciences. It is maintained by the Brazilian Academy of Constitutional Law (ABDConst) a non-profit society. All issues and articles are available free of charge on the journal’s website, following Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) guidelines. The journal utilizes a Creative Common CC BY license, that allows sharing and adapting the material, stating that "you must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made" and "You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.


About the publication format: ahead-of-print (AOP): The Constituição, Economia e Desenvolvimento: Revista Eletrônica da Academia Brasileira de Direito Constitucional, from the year 2021, will implement the Ahead of Print publication format, also known as Online First or "Early View Article".

As far as possible and applicable, the rules for AOP scientific papers creation, formatting and publishing will obey the rules and provisions contained in this public notice.

Seen in these terms, the scientific papers duly approved may be published right after their approval, IN ADVANCE, with provisional numbering of pages, to be later incorporated into the release edition that will be composed.

The Constituição, Economia e Desenvolvimento: Revista Eletrônica da Academia Brasileira de Direito Constitucional establishes that the Author (s) must be guided by the guidelines of the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) in order to the realization of this type of scientific divulgation, seeking to contribute to scientific advancement through the fast communication of results.

These guidelines can be found at the following webpage: https://wp.scielo.org/wp-content/uploads/guia_AOP.pdf.

Scientific papers published in the AOP system, in addition to the SciELO guidelines listed above, will observe the following:

AOP scientific papers must not contain data concerning to volume, number, pagination and date of publication. They should only mention the year of their submission, the year of their approval and the date of approval of their papers after peer review. For the purposes of this public notice, the Author (s) must consider, at first, the LAYOUT AOP MODEL provided by ABDCONST, available at: http://www.abdconst.com.br/revistaabdconst.

AOP scientific papers will not contain the insertion of the page numbering control, for printing control purposes, so that on the first page, in the "Page X of X" format, there should be the numerical indicators of how many pages the text has.

It is mandatory, in the scientific paper AOP, to include, in a footnote, the information that the text is published in this modality.

Once the scientific paper is published in a number of the Journal, the article previously available in Ahead of Print will be incorporated WITHOUT ANY MODIFICATIONS, and will integrate the current edition, or its subsequent edition, of the complete version of the Constituição, Economia e Desenvolvimento: Revista Eletrônica da Academia Brasileira de Direito Constitucional.

In this way, the DOI number of the AOP scientific article will be "activated" only when the article is incorporated into the version of the definitive edition of the Journal, maintaining, however, the number designated at the time of AOP publication.